Thursday, September 12
1. SCHOOL TOWELS: A friendly reminder to the boys who arrive early and shower at school in the morning. There is a yellow towel bin in the locker room, please put used towels in the proper bin and don't leave them on the floor. If we continue to find them on the floor the towels will no longer be available for your use.
2. STUDENT DRIVERS: We have had multiple complaints about reckless driving. Make sure you are following ALL road laws (the shoulder on Wilson is NOT a driving lane) and please exercise caution when driving past Hope School as there are many students walking home. Keep to the speed limit of 25 MPH on Fenwood, Ferndale, and Riverbend.
3. SCHOOL DIRECTORIES: The school directory will be distributed to the youngest student in each family during 3rd hour today. Bring it home to your parents.
4. CALVIN VISIT TODAY! Calvin College will be visiting CCHS during lunch today in the library. If you are interested in the opportunities at Calvin, bring your lunch and your questions with you.
5. SUGGESTIONS FOR STUDENT COUNCIL: The student council would love to hear suggestions from the student body for homecoming days, games, etc. Suggestions can be written down and dropped off in the pouch on the bulletin board outside of Room 5!
6. HOT LUNCH: Pizza will be sold on Friday for $1.50 a slice. Gluten free pizza will be available to buy in the office.
7. ATTENTION SENIORS: It's time to begin meeting with Mr. Kalsbeek! There is a schedule hanging on the Guidance Office door. Don't forget your homework!
8. Young people, how often do you read? Do you—the next generation of readers and leaders—understand the Christian calling and incentive to read? "Is Your Brain Being Wired for Deeper Thinking"? If you'd like to learn more about the vital importance of reading, physically and spiritually, join the RFPA at Southwest PRC on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 7:30 P.M. to hear teacher and speaker Mr. Minderhoud on the relationship between reading and the wiring of the brain. All are invited and encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be provided by the Taste of Hope!
9. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with face painting at this year’s Peer to Peer Walk (Saturday, September 28). Text Ellen Pastoor at 616-667-2598 for more info and to sign up.
Thursday, Sept 12
Soccer AWAY vs Whitehall JV at 5:00 PM, Varsity at 6:30 PM Game is at the Middle School
Friday, Sept 13
Cross Country at Ottawa Hills
Saturday, Sept 14
Varsity VBall at Calvin Chr Invite 8:30 AM
Soccer AWAY vs Zeeland East JV at 10 AM, Varsity at 11:45 AM